
Liquid Sugar

A highly efficient water-based sucrose solution used in a diverse range of food and beverage products.



Liquid sugar is one of the most efficient sugar products available. As the sucrose is in liquid form, it streamlines manufacturers’ production processes in comparison to using straight sucrose (white sugar), helping manufacturers save on energy and costs as a result.

This differentiator – being able to easily add it to products during manufacture and reducing the dependence on manual and packaging handling – means it is a highly popular bulk sugar ingredient and, therefore, it is used in a wide range of industrial applications.

Some applications are more popular than others, though, with liquid sugar’s most common application being soft drinks. The  syrup sweetens the soft drinks – both carbonated and fruit juice blends – and to impacts their mouthfeel.

It is also an ideal sweetening and bulking agent for a wider range of foodstuffs, including fruit-based preparations, flavourings, sauces, dairy products, ice creams, and confectionery, such as toffee. Liquid sugar’s 67% sucrose content and clear appearance make it an attractive coating for cereal bars and other snacks, too.

Furthermore, liquid sugar can also be used to aid fermentation and priming of beers and ciders and is a key ingredient in bee feed.

Tasting notes

Liquid sugar has a sweet and light taste that complements its thin texture. Unlike many other sugar syrups, it is not viscous.

Storage & Packaging

Storage temperature
15 – 20 degrees centigrade.

Shelf life
Crystallisation (three weeks); microbiology (three weeks).

Packaging and storage options
Bulk tankers and intermediate bulk containers (IBCs). Pails may be available depending on volume and location.


Liquid sugar is produced from white refined sugar (straight sucrose). This means it can be made from both beet sucrose and cane sucrose. It is worth noting that other types of liquid sugar can also be made from raw cane sugar. Here, we will focus on liquid sugar made from beet sucrose.

Once the sugar beet has been harvested, it is sliced into thin strips and then mixed with hot water via a diffuser for approximately one hour. After which, lime and carbon dioxide are added to the solution before it is filtered and evaporated. This evaporation produces a thick and sweet amber juice that is seeded with sugar crystals to create a super-saturated massecuite syrup.

The syrup is then placed in a centrifuge for two minutes to separate the crystals from the adhering film of the molasses, before the sugar crystals are dried, sieved, metal detected and packed. At this point, the sugar beet has been fully refined into straight sucrose and is transported to a production facility.

At Ragus’ production facility, the straight sucrose is added into an industrial vat with water, which is heated and modified until the sugar has dissolved and the correct ratio of sucrose: moisture has been achieved. The ideal water-based sucrose solution should have a dry substance content of 67% and, at this point, can be described as liquid sugar. The product is then passed through an 80-micron filter and packed, ready for distribution to customers.


In addition to its taste and mouthfeel, Ragus’ liquid sugar helps to streamline manufacturing processes and improve production efficiency. If you would like to learn more about our specialist syrups, contact our Customer Services Team

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